Cucumber is definitely cool, one of the best things I've seen about
Rails so far. I have never quite caught on with unit tests, though I'm
working on it because it is important. But Behavior Driven
Development...that just makes sense to me. I've spent a lot of time
writing software specs, going over user stories, figuring out how to
translate business into tech and vice-versa and so BDD really seems
"right" to me.

I've been poking about in CFSpec (a bit of a port of RSpec) and like
what I've seen so far. The plan for it seems to be to go in the whole
direction of user stories ala Cucumber but it still has a long ways to
go. It is a start, however.


On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
<> wrote:
> This is how I felt when I moved from CF to rails.  I learned so much from the 
> first few apps I created, but testing was something that didn't come easy to 
> me.  Now that I've found cucumber, testing is a cinch.  Here's a typical 
> feature/test file.
> It's amazing to me how natural the language feels.  It's very easy to stub 
> out exactly how you app should act and then program it to do exactly that.  
> It's cut out a lot of the analysis paralysis that I used to suffer from.
> It's also amazing to me how good it feels to have an app that's got a full 
> test suite -- so now, I *know* that when I add a feature, it's not screwing 
> up some other piece of code.
> On Feb 27, 2010, at 10:07 PM, Judah McAuley wrote:
>>  It's my understanding that
>> FW/1 does a good job of not getting in your way, which is admirable,
>> but Coldbox has made me a better programmer because it has shown me
>> better ways to do things.

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