On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 8:59 AM, Scott Stewart
<webmas...@sstwebworks.com> wrote:

>  How do you address subject matter that you're not good in ie: I
> sucked at Algebra and Geometry, how in the world would I teach it to
> my daughter?

Our oldest is finishing up 5th grade, so fortunately, we have not had
too many thing come up. My wife does most of the teaching, but there
are times when she asks me for help. Usually to help explain something
differently. There are times when I listen to them doing
English/Grammar and I swear that since I was in school they made up a
few more parts of speech.

My wife is good with English, reading and science and I am good with
math and science, so its a nice mix.  We are both a little weak on
history, which is why it has been my biggest concern recently. It all
comes down to preparation. Something we will both need to do a lot
more of as the kids get older.

> On another issue, I think, alot of people's exposure to homeschooling
> have been the "crazies", those that don't want their kids exposed to
> certain racial elements (that was my introduction, through my
> ex-wife's sister, her exact quote was "I don't want my boy around all
> those n*****s") or want to ram a specific religious doctrine down
> their kid's gullet. While sensible people like you and Maureen don't
> get the attention that you probably deserve..

That is a valid point. Imagine the backlash I would get if I said all
public school kids are gonna arm themselves to the teeth and shoot up
the school.

In the homeschool group we are a part of, which is at the church, most
of the families are like us. They chose homeschooling because of the
failing school system. There are a few who do it solely for religious
reasons, and those are the kinds of families who people think of when
they think of homeschooling. Even in a group run by the church,
though, they are a very small minority.  But I have yet to meet a home
schooled family who does so to avoid exposure to other racial groups.
Not saying they do not exist, but I have not experienced any. As for
the people who ram a religious doctrine down their kid;'s gullet -
well there are plenty od children in public school who get the same
thing - it is not unique to home schooling, even though some people
think so.

> So you'll have to expect a certain amount of adverse reaction, but I
> do think that the adverse reactions here have been pretty extreme.

I think what really burns my ass is that when people ask questions
like that, even if its innocent, they are questioning my ability to
decide what is best for my own children - which is why it evokes such
a visceral response form me.

Scott Stroz
The DOM is retarded.


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