Unfortunately the consequences of isolationism have risen up and bitten us on 
our collective butts more than once. Given how much this nation is connected to 
the rest of the world (think energy alone), isolationism just cannot work. It 
essentially comes down to in the end is that we're either engaged with the rest 
of the world or we're dead.

>Meh, I'm an isolationist and have come to believe that we aren't welcome and
>we should take our toys and come home.
>I would rather see us not spending any money either way.
>Conservative Movement.
>> Explain the logic of redistribution of wealth to me please.
>Money isn't even "real" these days, so it gets redistributed *a lot*.
>It just seems like there's a whole group of people who don't mind when
>it's redistributed for war, yet get their panties in a bunch when it's
>redistributed for our own infrastructure.
>There's an argument that war has fixed costs, and isn't like
>infrastructure costs, but the reality hasn't (maybe *ever*) been such.
>And then there's folk who say the "best defense" is a good offense,
>but I think that's leftover thinking from before Sun Tzu and Boyd.
>Don't get me wrong- it doesn't hurt, but it's far from the "best", as
>any strategist worth their salt can tell you.
>Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the
>consequences of any misfortune.
>William James 

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