so you have said many times. As long as you are clear that *I* am not
saying it... whatever.


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
> I am referring solely to the fact that her account got hacked. I do
> not think she bears any blame because she did not use security
> measures that we (as IT professionals) may use.
> Her privacy was violated (or whatever the law was the kid broke).
> Period. End of story. As I have said repeatedly, if we start placing
> blame on the victims, we are basically legitimizing the crimes and
> saying the victims deserved it.
> The fact that some wrongdoing may have been found does not change my
> opinion of this. What was found would likely never be admissible in
> court even if it was illegal (As Sam pointed out, apparently a judge
> in Alaska has said it was not illegal).
> We cannot start to think that the ends justify the means..for anyone,
> ever (and, yes, I think that should include illegal immigrants).
> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:
>> I'm curious where you feel her role as a public official comes into
>> play with this. She was using the Yahoo account for government
>> business and seemed to indicate that she was doing so, in part, to
>> evade public records laws. If someone in her office had seen damning
>> emails in that account and put them out there, I would consider it a
>> valid case of whistleblowing as she was using the account for
>> government business. This case is obviously different because it is
>> someone outside the whole deal who gained unauthorized access and then
>> put everything out in public view. I don't think that's right but on
>> the other hand, I think that correspondence in her official capacity
>> in that account is fair game for being looked at by the public. So I'm
>> a little conflicted.
>> Judah
>> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
>>> As was pointed out earlier, we pretty much agree on this, except for
>>> the culpability of Palin.
>>> You think she bears some of the blame for what happened. I disagree with 
>>> that.
>>> In my opinion, when you start placing blame on the victim you are
>>> almost validating the crime and/or saying that they deserved it.

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