The 10 commandments do not hold a monopoly on believing murder, theft and lying (bearing false witness, actually) are wrong, or that children should respect their parents. The first 3 of those should be against the law--though really lying should only be illegal in certain circumstances libel, slander and perjury etc.; the fourth is really up to the parents to instill, and has no place in a system of laws. The other 6 are religious doctrine that again, has no place in a system of laws, including adultery, which, though immoral shouldn't be illegal.
Nobody is seeking to outlaw public prayer; that's a fallacy perpetuated by conservative/religious pundits. All anyone has said was that the government shouldn't be endorsing a day of prayer. Pray all you want, whenever you want. Don't disturb the peace, and don't ask the government to set aside a special day for you. And you can claim all you want that it was a "multi-faith" day of prayer, not a christian one, but even the religious pundits disagree with that. On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Sam <> wrote: > > On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 11:20 AM, G Money <> wrote: > > > > The point of view that the US should be governed based upon the Ten > > Commandments...or on ANY religious doctrine of any EXTREMELY > > dangerous. You support it because it happens to be your religious dogma > in > > question. Ask yourself this: what if it wasn't? Would you still support > it? > > She correctly said it was and is until recently. She said we should go > back to rules and ideas that shaped this country from the beginning. > We've turned against them as if what the founders did was wrong and > needs to be eradicated. She doesn't want us to make laws based on the > bible, just follow the same loose guidelines the founders did like > with the ten commandments. > > > Question: Do you not see a danger in mixing religion with legislation? > > You didn't red her comments, that's not what she said. > She was defending prayer, any kind of prayer. By outlawing public > prayer we lose our roots based on religious freedom. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: