On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 8:03 PM, Matthew P. Smith <m...@smithwebdesign.net> 

> The site says it recommends 32 bit for everyday use, but I'm rocking win 7
> 64 and 6  gigs memory.
> Oh, and, what the heck should I do with Ubuntu now that I have it?  I'm just
> giving it a try for now, what should I explore, try to do, where does it
> shine, etc?

definitely 64 bit.

The programs I like:

- Eclipse + whatever plugins you need
- Meld (visual diff/merge)
- Banshee (not an awesome music player, but fine and can hook up to a
db backend if you have a large database of music)
- Adobe stuff - AIR, Acrobat Reader, Flash plugin
- thwirl Twitter client (AIR based)
- Skype
- Gimp
- Open Office

It comes with IM and bittorrent clients out of the box, among other
things. There is a good selection of software out there, not sure how
much is 64 bit native at this point.

There are all kinds of free server-based apps like music jukeboxes if
you take the time to set them u

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