The story seems to be growing legs:

Bill, Danielle, and Chip, at about 1210 pm today I received a call from Ms
Chris Landshut, Executive Director of the South Florida Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation. After reintroducing herself to me she was uncomfortable telling
me of a situation that has arisen reference the nomination of Angela and
myself as a South Florida Finest Couple.

She informed me that she has received complaints from certain individuals
who have threatened to withdraw their support to the Cystic Fibrosis gala
event if Angela and I are honored. She humbly asked if I would agree to step
down and allow the event to proceed and not disrupt the support to the
foundation. These individuals have called and complained to the National
Foundation decrying "politicizing" of the event.

In accepting the nomination, Angela and I consented to raise $10K for the
Cystic Fibrosis foundation, our opportunity to give back to our community.
However, not wanting to cause the foundation to lose what I was told could
be up to $200K I consented to Ms Landshut that Angela and I would step down
and not participate in the event.

Bill, you are the Chairman of this gala event and therefore I would like a
formal letter of apology, not to me, but rather to my wife Dr Angela
Graham-West explaining this situation. I do not care how people attack me
but my wife is another matter.

I know that this situation revolves around my congressional candidacy but
this event has honored political figures before. I felt that our service to
this Nation and local community warranted our nomination.

It has come to my attention that the McCloskey and Levy families are the
donors who have threatened to withdraw support due to prodding from the wife
of Congressman Ron Klein. I find this reprehensible, disgusting, despicable,
and petulant....but indicative of the hideous side of South Florida politics
which I condemn. There is proof of this, to include an email trail, and I
would appreciate your honesty when this becomes a topic of inquiry.

I must now contact all those friends whom I had asked to assist us in
raising the requisite funds and inform them of this issue. I pray you are

I hold no angst against you as the Chairman of the event, Ms Landshut, or
the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. However, I am highly upset with those who
would blackmail the CF Foundation in order to play politics.

Steadfast and Loyal, LTC(R) Allen B West



The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are
willing to work and give to those who would not. I think myself that we have
more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on
the labor of the industrious. - Thomas Jefferson

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