"Prejudice still exists (hell, the shit I hear come out of my
brother-in-law's mouth embarrasses and frightens me sometimes), but,
admittedly as a white male, would like to think it is better than it was
20-30 years ago."

No doubt.  Look at King Samir Shabbaz.


Dude ....

"If out of a population of 10,000 you have 100 wheel-chair bound men who
excel... can you argue that men in wheel-chairs have it easy now and there
is no need for special handicap treatment?"

What in the hell are you talking about?

"The facts show that it is MUCH HARDER to achieve even mediocrity, far less
excel as a black person than it is for a white person in America. (In the
world actually..but that's another topic I suppose)."

What facts?

"Whether a small % of the black population has excelled or not is immaterial
to the above facts."

I never said it was a small %.  I gave specific examples.

"A Black person is more LIKELY to be poor than a white person in the US."

And the children of all poor people are more likely to be poor than than the
children of middle class parents. Why not encompass them all instead of
selectively picking one race?  That in itself is racism.

"You cannot argue against this, it is FACT."

I just did.

"It is better now than it was, but it is no where near parity, and nowhere
near equality yet."

And it never will be as long as people keep using race as a crutch.



The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are
willing to work and give to those who would not. I think myself that we have
more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on
the labor of the industrious. - Thomas Jefferson

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