Yes, I truly believe that. 100%. I lived it for over 15 years. 15+ years of
the only raises I got were the increases in minimum wage. And minimum wage
is hardly a comfortable level of poor; that's something someone will say who
has never had to support themselves on a min wage job. 70 hours a week at
minimum wage isn't even a comfortable level of poor. Granted, min wage is
higher now than when I had to try to put food on the table at that wage.

There is no moving up without higher education, and higher education isn't
always available.

Anecdotally, because everyone loves anecdotal remarks in a debate, my
sister-in-law took all of 2 weeks to find a job, and she's in that
"high-schooler" category you're talking about.

As to your unsupported statistics, I'd say with 10% unemployment it's
practically impossible for almost anyone to find a job these days.

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Sam <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 8:00 AM, morgan l <> wrote:
> >
> > and Reps want them to stay poor so a low-wage class remains available for
> cheap
> > labor. Both sides are looking to protect their wealth.
> Is that really what you think?
> Did you notice since min wage went up it's nearly impossible for high
> schooler's to get jobs?
> Same for seniors. The idea is to leave entry level jobs as entry level
> and encourage the rest to move up rather than giving them raises so
> they can remain comfortably poor.

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