The internet is going to *totally* change our culture.

I've been on one of those "there weren't any answering machines when I
was a kid" trips the last few days.
I like to stop and think about it every now and again, because time is
such a freaking trip, ya know?

I was specifically thinking about watching shows online just now, but
come to think of it, I used to use a VCR a lot.  And back then, it's
not like there were 3 good fiction shows on at the same time very
often.  *snort*  I didn't have cable, but I doubt that would make much
of a difference.  Having a lot of people in the family could make
recordability difficult tho, so...

I stand by my statement.  "It" is a lot "easier" these days.  That's
pretty swell.  Watching it unfold is like, teh awersome!

Babylon 5 did rock.

Besides a killer storyline, it had gratuitous CG space-battle-ness,
neh?  Pretty cool rendering of space-ness, too.  Momentum and whatnot.

The rendering power today of a single PC blows my goddam mind.
Televised fiction never looked so good!  And it's just getting better,

Anyways, there's probably more people using quotes from B5 than DS9
for sigs.  Those were some cool characters.


"We were like warriors from the ancient sagas. There was nothing we
could not do."
"Except keep the holodecks working right."
        - Worf and O'Brien on life aboard the *Enterprise*, "The Way
of the Warrior"

On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Todd wrote:
>  I completely agree.  I am so glad it was allowed to run to the
> completion of the story, even though it was rushed because they weren't
> sure about a 5th season.
> On 8/8/2010 8:28 PM, Maureen wrote:
>> And Babylon 5 rocked!!

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