"How or when did Obama alienate Britain and France??"

According to the author:

8. US foreign policy is an embarrassing mess under the Obama administration

It is hard to think of a single foreign policy success for the Obama
administration, but there have been plenty of missteps which have weakened
American global power as well as the standing of the United States. The
surrender to Moscow on Third Site missile defence, the failure to
aggressively stand up to Iran’s nuclear programme, the decision to side with
ousted Marxists in Honduras, the slap in the face for Great Britain over the
Falklands, have all contributed to the image of a US administration
completely out of its depth in international affairs. The Obama
administration’s high risk strategy of appeasing America’s enemies while
kicking traditional US allies has only succeeded in weakening the United
States while strengthening her adversaries.

France was not mentioned by the author.

Of course, he doesn't mention Israel either.  Nothing President Obama has
attempted with Israel has gone right.



Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms those entrusted with
power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny -
Thomas Jefferson on governmen

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