The fact that we all are constantly learning to stay working much more
than five hours a day must mean we're all greedy in your eyes.

They do say happiness is bliss.

Thinking back, I was offered a job as a longshorman in NYC 30 years
ago when the work was winding down. If I took it I would have been
able to sit around and do nothing for 30 years and then retire with a
pension. That's not happiness to me so I turned it down. I'm still
happy I did.

On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Medic <> wrote:
> Don't confuse greed with high standards.
> On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 6:39 PM, Sam <> wrote:
>> Did you read it?
>> A guy works five hours a day collecting garbage and he rates his
>> happiness eight of of ten. If only my standards were so low.

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