On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  he comes out in favor of a
> mosque that around 70% of Americans do not think should be allowed to be
> built.

If this number is true, then 70% of my countrymen are fucking idiots.

> I don't think anyone is surprised by his stance, but he should have just
> kept his mouth shut on the issue.  The simple answer of "That's a decision
> for New York would have sufficed."  Now he has added more fuel to the fire
> of his growing number of opponents.

A person should never be criticized for saying something that is right.

That 70% of Americans disagree with him is an indictment against fucking
ignorant bigoted dipshit Americans....not Obama.

No matter how close to yours another's steps have grown
In the end there is one dance you'll do alone

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