Interesting myth that. Too bad the rest of the world doesn't believe
it. The Germans, the Bulgarians, Poles etc know that it was their own
people who forced the communist regimes out, with no  real help from
Ronnie Raygun, just some empty rhetoric.

Interesting story about the attempted coup in Russia against
Gorbachev. The Red Army Guards tank unit that was supposed to take
over the Kremlin building went the wrong way in Moscow. So they
stopped a car to get directions. The occupant was a Canadian diplomat
who gave them directions to the ring road surrounding Moscow.
Apparently the Guards unit ended up getting so lost that it allowed
loyalist units to protect the Kremlin, and Yeltsin to assume control
of most of Moscow.

Essentially Ronnie Raygun and the US did not win the Cold war, but the
losers were the CPSU. The winners were the people of the then Soviet
Union and the Warsaw Pact countries.

On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Sam <> wrote:

> Reagan spend a fortune rebuilding defense and the reward was winning
> the cold war. At least we see it as a reward, I'm sure that saddens
> many on this list. The Bush had to all repair a flailing military, a
> major attack and two wars caused by a weakened superpower

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