Very true on that one.  +1000000000

On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 10:56 PM, Scott Stewart
<> wrote:
> I get it...
> No matter what's going on, all Mackenna needs to do is smile, and it's all
> in perspective....
> Even her last time in the Hospital, when I was at the end of my rope, she'd
> smile as if to say "Daddy I'm happy, it's gonna be OK"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: denstar []
> Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 3:47 PM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: so much crying.
> I have enjoyed every moment, even if some of the moments haven't been
> super-cool.
> Even in the hospital, time and again, I was like, "how freaking lucky I am".
> But I can rationalize like crazy, so it's easy for me to think, "it
> can always be worse".
> Thus I'm always grateful, even when things suck.  Not that it doesn't
> make things not-suck, but still, it helps.  Takes the edge off, I
> guess.
> Really tho, I look back at myself holding my wee one on the hospital
> bed, she being near death, and me being pretty happy (or something
> like that... "happy" doesn't quite convey it), even so.
> Emotion is such an interesting deal.
> :Den
> --
> He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a
> monster. Is not life a hundred times too short for us to bore
> ourselves?
> Friedrich Nietzsche
> On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 8:12 AM, G Money wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 8:59 AM, Sisk, Kris wrote:
>>> I dunno about that. That phase where they decide to test their limits
>>> constantly is the most trying in my opinion. It usually happens between
>>> the time they turn 2 and 4ish. Newborns require a lot of attention, but
>>> a toddler who's learned 'No' is truly a horrific thing.
>> Not for my money. It's going to depend on the person, probably.
>> My kid has started testing his limits and I LOVE this phase compared to
> the
>> first year. I feel like a parent now, actually teaching and molding him. I
>> much prefer telling him "NO" 100 times as opposed to just sitting there
>> while he cries in his rocking chair for no apparent reason.
>> "Testing limits phase" is heaven, as far as i'm concerned.
>> --
>> Glittering prizes and endless compromises
>> Shatter the illusion of integrity

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