On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Maureen <mamamaur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I mostly use the laptop for surfing the web, or recording audio at
> remote events.  Wish there was an Eclipse app so I could do coding on
> the iPad.

You really aren't going to want to do any coding on the iPad.  Even if
you could get a program to do it - it's just not a form factor that
lends itself to heavy work like that.

Recording audio on the other hand - it's great at that.  I have an
iPad app called SoundNote that will record audio and allow you to take
notes at the same time.  The recording can be saved off as an MP# and
It synchronizes the notes with timestamps on the recording - so you
can click a note and it will replay whatever was being recorded when
you took that note.  Pretty nice - the audio recording is great
quality too.



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