On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 6:57 PM, denstar <valliants...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Medic wrote:
>>> > because how hard something is to do, is directly proportional to how
>>> likely it is to get done.
>> True. But again it's not really applicable to this thread since "takes five
>> years of waiting" doesn't fall into the "too difficult to bother trying"
>> category.
> Versus, say, 6 months, or 2 years, etc.?
> This isn't a comment on the goodness/badness of the topic at hand,
> just a thought about the nature of probability, I guess.  =)

And to clarify further, I'm a firm believer that one can accomplish
whatever one puts one's mind to, so, like you, I'm pretty sure that if
"they" want to screw "us" bad enough, they will eventually find a way.

The best defense is to have as few people gunning for ya as possible,
obviously.  Thus, something that might seem like it increases the
probability of X, may in fact decrease the probability of X, because
things are all intertwined and whatnot.

Variables roxor.


The Lord God, the creator of Judaism and the God of Judaism and
Christianity, empowered our minds and gave us the ability to question.
Michael Nova

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