On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 3:59 PM, G Money <gm0n3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The national debt was already skyrocketing..and I don't recall him ever
> saying he'd reduce the national debt by the mid term elections...?

Nice that you threw in "by the mid term"
$5 trillion is going to take a long time to pay off

> Not me...other than people are fickle, reactionary, impulsive, and easily
> molded.

You always have to insult the people you don't agree with?

> I believe I said that then, and will reiterate now.....George W. Bush was
> directly responsible for Obama's election.

And yet he now has higher ratings.
The house will have a R's majority because of Obama.

> Oh? You think we should have elected someone who had experience as a US
> president?

Nope, someone that had a job. Somebody that maybe ran a company,
showed leadership or at least responsibility.

> I would posit that most of the people who are supposedly upset...have no
> real clue WHY they are upset, other than a lot of people have told them that
> they should be upset.

Is that the best you have, agree with me or you're an idiot?

But you're not a lefty, you're in the middle.

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