On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 1:41 PM, G Money <gm0n3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Whoa whoa whoa...you cannot compare vote turnout in a mid-term election,
> with the voter turnout during a presidential election. Mid term voter
> turnout will ALWAYS be lower, and usually MUCH lower.
> To get a better comparison of turnout "trends", you'd have to go back to
> another mid term election.

I know about "trends" but I'm not talking about trends. I'm saying
that 50 million less people showed up to vote. Is that normal? Yeah,
well, not usually 50 million, but yeah a big drop off in
non-Presidential elections. I know that.

But I don't accept that it is just a fact of life. I don't care if it
is normal or not, the fact of the matter is that 50 million less
people gave a shit this time around. In spite of looming changes in
the House. In spite of continued high unemployment. In spite of
violent rhetoric about 2nd Amendment remedies and Marxists.

In spite of the fact that a large number of people, on both the left
and the right, consider this to be a pivotal time in terms of what
direction the country is going to go, 50 million people didn't bother
to vote. And that's not even 50 million total people who could
potentially vote that didn't. Or even 50 million that are registered
who didn't. That's 50 million who did vote in 2008 but who did not
vote in 2010. That makes me sad.

If those 50 million had come out to the polls and said, "By God, let's
take our country back, vote the Democrats out of power and give the
Republicans a good shot to see what they can do this time around" then
I'd be happy. Or if they came out and said, "Well, we aren't happy,
but we're going to shake things up just a little and see where things
settle out", great. Or whatever.

But the fact of the matter is that the decisions are made by the
people who show up. And the decision to put the House and several
Governorships in the hands of Republicans was made by a much smaller
group of people and that group was much more skewed than it was in
2008. That's how the system works, so that's fine. But it still makes
me sad that those 50 million (and everyone who didn't bother to vote
either time) couldn't be troubled to show up and provide their input.

Maybe we need mandatory voting, I don't know.


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