Why dogs are so different from wolves

By Nigel Barber, Ph.D.
Created Nov 16 2010 - 6:38am

A recent PBS documentary highlighted some of the remarkable
differences between wolves and domesticated dogs (Nova: Dogs Decoded,
video). The Nova segment is a remarkable distillation of recent
evidence about how humans have altered dogs through artificial
selection, and been altered ourselves in the process.

As I discussed in an earlier post, there is much controversy about how
long our mutual admiration society has been in operation, with
estimates ranging from about 10,000 to 100,000 years.

However long our association with dogs has gone on, we have altered
them radically from ancestral wolves although they can still
interbreed and are thus the same species. The primary factor that
humans selected for was tameness, or low levels of aggression. The
main mechanism through which this was accomplished was neotenization,
or retention of juvenile low aggression into adult life. We also
selected animals who paid attention to us.

The resulting differences between dogs and wolves are striking. When
wolves were raised in human homes, they were a great deal more
aggressive and less respectful of human rules. Although wolf cubs are
cute, they quickly mature into wild animals who have little interest
in their masters.

Apart from the more obvious anatomical signs of juvenility, such as
shortened snout and more domed skull, adult dogs are remarkably
sensitive to human social cues in a way that hand raised wolves are

Dogs are exquisitely sensitive to gestures, such as pointing, and are
very good at finding hidden food when we point to it, something no
other animal can do. Another uncanny canine capacity is their facility
at reading our emotions. You don't have to tell your dog whether you
have had a good day or not.

How dogs decode our emotions may be complex and is poorly understood.
One of the more fascinating recent discoveries is that when dogs look
at human faces, they gaze to their left, fixating the right side of
our faces that convey more emotion than the left side.

In the course of exploiting their niche as our best friends forever,
dogs evolved a varied repertoire of barks to signify various emotions.
Wolves evidently have less range in their vocal repertoire although
the Nova claim that they have only one bark (for anger) is a mistake
(at least for pack animals in the wild). Recent research finds that
domestic dogs have at least eight different barks that people can
distinguish (e.g., when the dog is left alone, when it encounters a
territorial threat, when it is frightened, or dejected).

If all of this were not enough, it seems that dogs are very much
better at understanding our words than we are at deciphering their
barks. Witness the border collie who recognizes words for some 300
different objects that it will fetch on demand.

It seems that the process of domestication has had profound genetic
effects for dogs. Dogs also allowed our ancestors to become much more
effective hunters and their services as herders likely played a role
in domesticating other species.

Larry C. Lyons
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