You mean like his contesting every minor misspelling in the ballots.
Also that Miller tried to get write in ballots thrown out even with
Murkowski's name being spelled correctly.

It would seem that the Alaskan republican party isn't all that into
the democratic process if it doesn't go their way.

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 6:30 AM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
> The process worked like it should.  The people have spoken at the ballot
> box.  What more can the Alaskans and American people ask for?
> J
> -
> This is a rich country. We have plenty of money, and if you don’t believe
> me, ask Haliburton. There’s plenty of money out there; don’t fall into the
> trap of this whole deficit argument. The only question is how to spend it. -
> Van Jone

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