"Second, the fact that the shooter is mentally ill does not mean that
his mind and brain exist in a vacuum. When Bill O'Reilly and his ilk
on Fox began their attacks on "Tiller the Killer" -- the physician who
provided legal abortions until he was gunned down in his church in the
name of Jesus -- they fired the first shots in the uncivil war that
has just claimed six more lives. To make the claim that the constant
propagandizing against Tiller by a television network -- including the
publicizing of his whereabouts -- played no role in the events that
led an assassin to choose him as his target would be as psychotic as
Loughner's incoherent YouTube diatribes. Surely a deranged killer
could have found someone else to target among the over 300 million
people who call this country home.

But the fact that the causal link between Fox's jihad against an
American citizen and his ultimate assassination at the hands of a
religiously motivated terrorist never became a topic of widespread
discussion except on a couple of evening shows on MSNBC, that it
prompted no change in the way the rightwing propaganda machine has
villified American citizens, and that it prompted little more than one
or two brief written statements from our top elected officials --
perhaps a congressional hearing or two might have been in order? -- is
a profound indictment of both our media and our political system."

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