I'm reminded of an old video of what flying in the future would be like.

Specifically, it showed off polarized glass in the windows, and how
turning one panel at a right angle to the other panel blocked out the

I keep wondering if there's a way that I can rotate this panel, so to
speak.  Or just bust out the glass, so we can share what we see in a
less filtered way.

Busting out a porthole at 30,000 feet probably isn't the smartest idea though.

Damn analogies.


Although modesty is natural to man, it is not natural to children.
Modesty only begins with the knowledge of evil.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 10:40 PM, Judah McAuley wrote:
> I've totally avoided this topic up til now, with good reason, but now
> I have to ask you:
> Do you really think that rhetoric has nothing to do with these sorts
> of crimes? Really?
> I've got an uncle, Russ, who is schizophrenic. Classic presentation.
> He's mellowed out some now that he's hit his 50s, which is a good
> thing, but he's still mentally ill. Totally awesome guy, really smart.
> Love him to death. But he's mentally ill.
> Russ is really a sweet guy and good to be around but I was told, as a
> kid, that while that is true, I needed to pay attention if he started
> talking about "blackie". Blackie tells him to do things and they often
> times aren't the nicest things. It isn't a good time for kids to be
> hanging around. Does anyone specifically speak to Blackie and tell
> Blackie to tell my uncle specific things? No, not that I'm aware of.
> But does Blackie pick up on things in the media and help funnel them
> to my uncle? Yes, without a doubt.
> So did Sarah Palin (or anyone else) directly cause this guy to shoot
> the lady? It seems highly unlikely. Does the rhetoric that she and
> others spout out have an effect? Yes, it certainly does. Words are
> important. We can't be responsible for all the effects our carelessly
> chosen phrases have on all the worlds peoples, but when you are a
> widely broadcast and quoted public figure, the words, phrases and
> themes you return to can and do have an impact and to deny that is
> both stupid and cowardly.
> Judah
> On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Jerry Barnes wrote:
>> "Am I wrong?"
>> Yes.  Rhetoric had nothing to do with shooting.  The guy was crazy.
>> As far as this problem you mention, what is it?  Part of what problem?
>>  Being blamed for a shooting without a shred of proof?  Lack of
>> journalistic integrity?
>> Maybe just another CYA attempt at shifting the sub

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