I can't find the original list of bugs that was posted but I read
through them and then I hit "Mylyn (sp?)". Which brings up a point
that I think a lot of us forget about when referring to CFBuilder
bugs, and that's the nature of Eclipse itself. Eclipse is an open
source plugin based architecture, that allows anyone that knows how,
to build plugins for it, and there are literally hundreds, maybe
thousands of them. Not all plugins are built equally well, nor are
they tested against Adobe products.

These plugins can introduce an "unknown" factor, which may be the root
cause of many of the problems that people see in Builder. The errors
that people talk about, I've never seen and it *could* be because I
run the standalone install, with no third party plugins. I run Flash
Builder separately and I rcun an separate instance of Aptana for doing
EXT-JS and playing with Android development.

Secondly Adobe builds CFBuilder on a specific build of  Eclipse, I
think the current version is built on the Ganymede release, the latest
Eclipse release is Helios, I've been told by bunches of people "DO NOT
UPGRADE ECLIPSE!!!!!" with the standalone version, I  had to try it
and it did blow up my instance of CFBuilder.

Having said this, I would hope that Adobe is working with the Eclipse
foundation to find out what the most popular plugins are, and then
test CFBuilder releases with those plugins installed, Adam may be able
to shed some light on this.

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