The fact that he uses climategate as one of his tab labels on his site
already discredits him...that and he is a TV Meterologist.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 17:00 
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Paul Krugman Blames Egypt Crisis On Global Warming

One assistant professor != 100,000 of thousands of people

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 5:43 PM, Eric Roberts
<> wrote:
> In the Northern Hemisphere since 1979, the average temperature rose by 
> about
> 0.7 degrees Celsius, whereas the global average temperature rose by 
> about
> 0.45 degrees, Flanner said.
> For every 1 degree Celsius rise in the Northern Hemisphere, Flanner 
> and his colleagues calculated an average of 0.6 fewer watts of solar 
> radiation reflected to space per square meter because of reduced snow 
> and sea ice cover. In the 18 models taken into consideration by the 
> International Panel on Climate Change, the average was 0.25 watts per 
> square meter per degree Celsius over the same time period.
> Flanner points out that the models typically calculate this feedback 
> over
> 100 years-significantly longer than this study, which could account 
> for some of the discrepancy. Satellite data only goes back 30 years.
> To further put the results in context, each square meter of Earth 
> absorbs an average of 240 watts of solar radiation. These new 
> calculations show that the Northern Hemisphere cryosphere is 
> reflecting .45 watts less per square meter now than it did in 1979, 
> due mostly to reduced spring snow cover and summer sea ice.
> "The cryospheric albedo feedback is a relatively small player 
> globally, but it's been a surprisingly strong feedback mechanism over the
past 30 years,"
> Flanner said. "A feedback of this magnitude would translate into 
> roughly 15 percent more warming, given current understanding of other 
> feedback mechanisms."
> To avoid the worst effects of climate change, the scientific consensus 
> is that the global average temperature should stay within 2 degrees 
> Celsius, or
> 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, of pre-industrial levels. Scientists are still 
> trying to quantify the extent to which the planet will warm as 
> greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere.

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