That's why we need a Constitutional amendment limiting the power of

Let's step back for a second and consider why the current situation is
unsustainable, and how the current trajectory of our economy reveals a fatal
flaw in our current incarnation of capitalism and free markets.  By
definition, corporate managers and boards are duty-bound to maximize profits
for their shareholders.

The natural outcome of this situation is the elimination of most US-based
labor. It will happen, and it will happen this century. Ray Kurzweil has
calculated that technology is now advancing exponentially across all fields,
and he figures we'll come to the Singularity in 2045. He figures by then
machines will be able to design and build newer, even more sophisticated
technology on their own and us slow-thinking humans will be left in the
dust. Assuming the availability of resources for all of this technological
growth, robots and AIs could run everything in just a few years.

Bear with me for a second, even if you don't buy Kurzweil's argument. The
end result of our current capitalist system would be that, while humans
would technically have no need to work at all since machines could do
everything for us, only shareholders in the surviving companies that owned
the technology would benefit from such stunning advances. They would have
all the money, all the resources, and everyone else would have nothing.
Nothing, that is, except the votes to elect a government that will use those
technologies to provide most everything for everyone. Science fiction? I
wonder. I hope I'm still around to see it happen.

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Eric Roberts <> wrote:

> So without unions, all we have is corporations.  Better start practicing
> that goosestep and straight armed salute.

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