I still can't get behind the idea that it is a substantiative plan if
it is based on imaginary numbers.

Lots of people have put out plans to solve the problem based on
completely bogus premises, Ryan isn't exactly plowing new ground
there. Let's start with some agreed upon and realistic numbers and not
invoke any magic hand waving (like more than full employment) and then
see what plans everyone can come up with.

I'm all in favor of detailed plans that attempt to actually take care
of the structural deficit. Ryan's doesn't do that though, so I just
can't see why anyone would take it as a genuine attempt at starting a
real discussion about fixing things.


On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Gruss Gott <grussg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
>> Err, what makes you think that it is a sincere effort?
> Because he put forward something that you can substantively criticize,
> but that would solve the problems.  Expecting someone to come out with
> a plan, by themselves, that solves the World's largest math problem is
> a bit overindulgent on the expectations side.  He's either a complete
> imbecile or he's making a sincere effort to start the discussion by
> making himself vulnerable.  Nitpicking his numbers, given that nobody
> else has done shit, is unfair.  It's a start.  It's an actual plan.
> He's like the first guy to test the rocket car: "Ok, so who's going to
> light the fuse on this bitch anyway?"  Ryan: "aw, hell.  I'll do it."
>> I'll wait and look for a plan that actually
>> genuinely addresses those issues.
> http://thepurplehealthplan

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