Reading this stuff and watching Miss USA crying about her vagina being
touched by the TSA makes me sad.

Or maybe I'm angry.  Sangry?  Anyways...

Mostly it's just sorta amazing (not really, as I've been around the
block-- and yet...) that we, as FUCKING AMERICANS, are so, well,
un-fucking-american, I guess.  In general.

I give Sam a hard time for being pissed more about money than stuff
like this.  I know stuff like this pisses him off too, but it doesn't
seem to gall him like I want it to.  Or maybe his balancing act
prevents him from saying some stuff he'd really like to say?  What say
you, Sam?  Oh yeah, you said it.  Revolution!!!  Guess over money is
as good as anything.  Tried and true, neh?

It's not "people like him" though, that are the problem.  No, it's the
"would you rather be blown up?" folks.  What a crock of shit.

Yes, I would rather be blown up.

Yes, I would rather be killed by a drunk driver.

Yes, I would rather be free than "safe".

Safety's just another word, for, nothing left to lose... la da la la
la, la da la la la la la
Hey hey hey,


Evil is the product of the ability of humans to make abstract that
which is concrete.
Jean-Paul Sartre

On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 2:28 AM, Robert Munn wrote:
> I couldn't fill this out. I disagree about one thing, it's not an ID
> system coming in through the side door, it's coming in right through
> the front door, probably to standing applause in Washington.
> On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Cameron Childress wrote:
>> There is no way I could fill this out.
>> Another thought I have is that these sorts of rules encourage getting your
>> child a passport at birth because every year the kid is alive, getting a
>> passport will become more difficult.
>> So, for the conspiracy theorists out there, in a way it's bringing a Federal
>> ID system in through the side door.

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