On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 1:17 PM, Jeff Garza <j...@garzasixpack.com> wrote:
> Good for you and your buddy!  Cops are like vampires... They can't come in
> if you don't invite them (officiall warrants not withstanding).
> Always remember, say nothing but the minimum you have to when dealing with
> the cops, do not give any statements to them beyond the basic facts (that
> you can't screw up at a later date) and ask for an attorney (if you are
> being detained) or tell them you'll be more than happy to give them a full
> statement after consulting with one.  Remember your 4th and 5th Amendment
> rights!  Consent to no searches!  They may search anyways, but you'll have
> no recourse if they find/plant something and you consented.  And always ask
> if you are being detained.  If not, ask if you are free to leave.  It's also
> a good idea to have a recorder on you at all times.  In Arizona, at least,
> its legal to record any conversation as long as at least one of the parties
> knows its being recorded.  You are one of the parties.  ;-)

Yeah, what he said! I really don't like cops.

I'm not a violent person by any means but had some crazy run in with
cops. Like the time I was staying with a friend out in aurora CO when
they decided our condo was associated with the people who were doing
random drive by shootings with people waiting for the bus.

I herd a thump at the door at around 6am but figured it was the news
paper or something and went back to sleep (on the couch). A few hours
later as we wake up and decide to go to the grocery mart, open the
front door and a whole fucking squat team is out there full body
armor, shields, the whole 9's...


It was nuts; Just to run our id's, like a line out of star wars...
These aren't the droids your looking for.

I almost shat my pants; A whole courtyard full of cops; Hiding behind
the bushes, shields, machine guns, with the tennis courts in the

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