"WHO: Cell phone use can increase possible cancer risk"

Wow.  What a powerful conclusion.  "Can possibly increase risk" is
equivalent to "might not increase".

>From an AP article on the story:

Classifying agents as “possibly carcinogenic” doesn’t mean they
automatically cause cancer and some experts said the ruling shouldn’t change
people’s cellphone habits.

“Anything is a possible carcinogen,” said Donald Berry, a professor of
biostatistics at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas.
He was not involved in the WHO cancer group’s assessment. “This is not
something I worry about and it will not in any way change how I use my
cellphone,” he said — speaking from his cellphone.
The same cancer research agency lists alcoholic drinks as a known carcinogen
and night shift work as a probable carcinogen. Anyone’s risk for cancer
depends on many factors, from genetic makeup to the amount and length of
time of an exposure.


Last year, results of a large study found no clear link between cellphones
and cancer. But some advocacy groups contend the study raised serious
concerns because it showed a hint of a possible connection between very
heavy phone use and glioma, a rare but often deadly form of brain tumor.
However, the numbers in that subgroup weren’t sufficient to make the case.

The study was controversial because it began with people who already had
cancer and asked them to recall how often they used their cellphones more
than a decade ago.
In about 30 other studies done in Europe, New Zealand and the U.S., patients
with brain tumors have not reported using their cellphones more often than
unaffected people.

WHO probably is spinning the article so they can urge a cell phone cancer
prevention tax.  Obviously, the revenue would go to the WHO.

"Inconsiderate cell phone users will not instantly fall to the ground
stricken (karma doesn't usually work that fast)."

No doubt.  Look at smoking.  It DOES increase the chance of cancer and
people still smoke.



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