Love the Stone Roses.

I'm listening to Suede a lot at the moment. Their first 2 or 3 albums are
superb. Slightly later than the Roses, but along the same lines.


On 30 June 2011 04:32, Cameron Childress <> wrote:

> > On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 7:42 PM, Judah McAuley <>
> wrote:
> > I really liked both of those. Young Blood reminded me of Foster The
> > People
> Feeling particularly nostalgic tonight.  Some favorites of all time...
> Jellyfish
> Bellybutton was the best album, but more people are familiar with
> Spilt Milk.  This song is from the Bellybutton album.  Never saw them
> live, but they are from my "summertime swimming pool soundtrack" of my
> high school years, which means they probably sound better to me than
> they ever will to anyone else.
> Jump Little Children
> They had regional fame, doubt they made it to Portland.  The lead
> singer's voice is fracking awesome and totally makes the band what it
> is.  Saw these guys live in a small venue up the street in Atlanta and
> it was one of the best shows I have ever attended to date.  They were
> big in the 90s in Atlanta, but didn't make it much farther than that.
> Citizen Cope
> Found this dude when I was living in San Diego.  Personally, it's
> kinda my West Coast Soundtrack.  I saw him live in SD and also in
> Atlanta about 3 years ago.  He's still touring AFAIK, and very soulful
> and great music.  I should seek out another tour date if he's still
> playing venues.  Slower stuff and some can be depressing but really
> have alot of emotion to his music.
> Kevn Kinney
> Kevn was the lead singer for a band called Drivin n Cryin, which was a
> big time southern band when I was in high school, but didn't make it
> too far beyond the south AFAIK.  They still regularly play shows in
> the Atlanta area, particularly festivals.  They often toured with
> Peter Buck (of REM).  I was looking for the YouTube version of "The
> House Above Tina's Grocery", which is one of my favorite songs of his,
> but all I could find was this live performance (Tina's Grocery starts
> at about the 3:20 mark).  I don't expect too many people to love this
> one, but it has an unshakable place in my heart.
> During my formative years, the song "Dear God" was one of the most
> amazing songs I'd ever heard.  Church was something that was fairly
> routine thing in my family and I didn't enjoy it at all, aside from
> the social aspects of "youth group".  This song so perfectly summed up
> my feelings about religeon at the time that I could hardly stand it.
> The Stone Roses
> I have probably listened to the song Fools Gold more than any song
> ever.  This is an album I could play over and over, but particularly
> Fools Gold (and Elephant Stone) were some of the best music I could
> have ever imagined at the time.  They came out with a second album
> that was bigger on the radio (called Second Coming), but the first was
> far better IMHO.
> Others
> - Camper Van Bethoven
> - Pixies
> ...too many to mention
> -Cameron
> ...

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