"Jerry, i know you have a conservative bent.."

More libertarian, but yes.

"..but you are highly intelligent."


"Are you serious when you say this, or just venting/looking for a reaction?"

Damn skippy I would.  No where near my top choice, but I wouldn't hesitate.
Considering the damage Obama has done with an election in the future, think
of what he could do without worrying about re-election.

Besides, this whole submissive thing is just misdirection.  Bachmann is a
tea party type of candidate.  This indicates that she is a constitutionalist
in the traditional sense, not the "living, breathing" sense.  So, while she
might be a fundy, she would not impose her religion on anyone.  However, she
would impose fiscal policies I like.

I's also vote for Perry and Palin.

I would not and will not vote for Gingrich or Romney.



Ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation. -
Henry Kissinger

Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go
out and buy some more tunnel. - John Quinton

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