Typically, I would agree with you, except for this little passage in
that article:

“The husband is to be the head of the wife, according to God.” It is a
philosophy that Michele Bachmann echoed to congregants of the the
Living Word Christian Center in 2006, when she stated that she pursued
her degree in tax law only because her husband had told her to.

Something about 'husband is to be the head of the wife' and 'because
her husband told her to' that makes my skin crawl. It reeks of old
fashioned, 'man rules the house', 'woman makes sandwiches',
fundamentalist sexism bullshit that, while fine in their own house,
does not, in my opinion, belong in the White House.

On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
> Submission has nothing to do with whether or not it is coerced.
> Submission is submission even when it is voluntarily. I think that
> submission is a fine thing. And some people can compartmentalize their
> submission. I know some very strong, powerful, people who are firm
> leaders in their work lives who are willingly submissive in their
> private lives. It can be wonderful to let go of the responsibility to
> lead and to hand over the power and all the headaches that go with it
> to another.
> When Bachmann and others in the more conservative Christian vein talk
> about a wife submitting to their husband, they mean willing
> submission, no doubt. And all leaders should listen to the opinions
> and desires of those who submit to them. None the less, the reason
> that they call it "submission" is that at the end of the day, the role
> of the submissive is to submit to the will of the one they are
> submissive to. There very well may be mutually understood limits to
> the submission, such as it being confined to family matters and around
> the home but not extending out into the professional world.
> A number of more fundamentalist sects take a rather wide-ranging view
> on the purview of a wife submitting to a husband. I do not know
> whether Bachmann feels that a wife should be submissive to her husband
> in all areas of their life or whether she means it solely within the
> realm of their marriage and home life. Given her rather fundamentalist
> views on other matters, I'd certainly be leery. But then again, all
> the other fundamentalist views are why I wouldn't vote for her anyway,
> so the particulars of this one area are largely moot for me. But just
> because she says that women should be submissive to their husbands
> doesn't necessarily mean that it would require her to potentially
> compromise her position as an elected leader.
> Judah
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You can try to twist the meaning of the word any way you want. I will
>> stick with the dictionary definitions, and  not definitions from
>> someone trying to make their 'Holy Book' seem less sexist.
>> On Wednesday, July 6, 2011, Sam <sammyc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> As you see in the dictionary it has many meanings. If you put it into
>>> the context it was used it takes on several new meanings.
>>> Isn't compromising being submissive in a way?
>>> Here's from one of the google links:
>>> http://www.counselcareconnection.org/articles/149/1/What-Does-it-Mean-to-be-a-Submissive-Wife/Page1.html
>>> Submission is a word which can be described and defined as "willing
>>> conciliation." That means that the wife should be "willing," not
>>> coerced. Wives are to respect their husbands. Husbands are to be
>>> considerate of and respect their wives. Both partners should be
>>> willing to "put the other's interests above his/her own" as
>>> Philippians 2 describes. The woman should be willing to submit to her
>>> husband not be unwilling or forced. The man should be a loving,
>>> servant leader – accountable and responsible to God and his family. A
>>> loving leader leads –doesn't manipulate or pressure. A submitter
>>> doesn't "take over."
>>> Aquila and Priscilla are wonderful role-model of how a couple can work
>>> together harmoniously as a team. In Acts they taught Apollos and led
>>> him to Christ – offering hospitality to believers and were co-workers
>>> with Paul.
>>> Marriage should be mutual servanthood and treated as a ministry.
>>> .
>>> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I do not want my president..or any politician...to be submissive at
>>>> all....TO ANYONE.
>>>> Please explain to me how you can take a definition, from the
>>>> dictionary, out of context.
>>>> If you are OK with a woman who admits she is (and happy to be) meekly
>>>> obedient and passive to her husband, by all means, vote for her.

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