No, because you leave out the prebate in your calculations.

Go here and plug in your numbers.

When I put them in it shows a net spendable increase of over 11 grand.

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 8:59 PM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
> Maureen <> wrote:
>> This is where your argument falls apart.  The amount of money for
>> someone who is at or below the poverty level would not decrease
>> because they would receive the standard stipend to cover all sales tax
>> they would owe.
> But doesn't your argument fall apart when you look at average middle
> class tax burdens?  Here's how I think it does:
> E.g. Let's suppose we take a family of 4 making 50k/yr, which was the
> median income:
> (1.) They're at 200%+ of the poverty line, according to the 2011 guidelines:
> (2.) They pay 2.37% in federal income taxes (or ~$1185, if they had 3
> kids it's 0.3%!!).  This number is calculated using the 1040 form
> assuming married couple filing jointly, 2 kids under 17 that live with
> their parents, $50k of income, standard deduction, and 4 exemptions
> and $1000 child tax credit per kid.   Note how conservative this is,
> i.e. NO other deductions/credits (no IRAs, no home credit, etc etc)
> that most people would have are included.  If those deductions WERE
> included the rate drops even further.
> So what would happen to this family under the "Fair Tax"?
> Under the FairTax system they'd now be getting hit with a "fairly"
> substantial tax burden (Ha!  Get it? "Fairly"?) when trying to buy
> things like soccer balls and band lessons for the kids.  Or haircuts.
> Or school supplies.
> All of sudden to them, life just got 15-20% more expensive!  That's a
> MAJOR life hit.  They might have to choose between paying mortgage and
> having their kids get, say, math tutoring.
> Thus when you COMPARE tax burden of the middle class (and others!)
> suddenly the "Fair" Tax looks pretty fecking unfair and pretty fecking
> regressive

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