
The Government Accountability Office provided a report on July 8 about the
social security statements thegovernment has used to inform the more than
150 million workers who have paid into the social security system.
Traditionally the government sent out statements once a year, presumably to
help workers plan for retirement.

With little fanfare, the Social Security Administration chose to suspend
mailings of the statement in March, 2011. The GAO said SSA made this
decision because of “budget constraints.”

GAO said SSA has plans to provide online statements, but so far there’s no
timeline and the plans have not been finalized. The online model is
currently in initial development phases said GAO. Nor does SSA have a cost
estimate for the new model.

Read more here:

If one were cynical, he might think that the SSA doesn't want people
thinking about SS's empty lockbox and that the budget had nothing to do with
cessation of the report.



“The program is designed so that contributions plus interest on the
investments of the social security trust funds will be sufficient to meet
all of the costs of benefits and administration, now and into the indefinite
future—without any subsidy from the general funds of the Government. Both
the Congress and the Executive Branch, regardless of political party in
power, have scrupulously provided in advance for full financing of all
liberalizations in the program.” - SS Brochure from the 196

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