This is so hilarious!!

The richest 1% talking about being hard done by the Government!
Owner of Home Depot...LOL !

Oh yeah...poor us...the only thing we can do now is fire people, it's
not our fault for wanting to protect our profit margins at all
cost...it's the Government! They need to leave us alone so that we can
do whatever we want. No Unions, No worker's rights, no regulations.
Things should go back to the days where we could mandate 16 hour work
days, and if you don't like it go somewhere else (except everywhere
would be going it, so where would you go?).  Then and only then will
we start reinvesting the billions we're all sitting on.

I can't believe people take this type of propaganda seriously. Ask any
of them to show precisely how "regulations" are preventing them from
making money I'd love to see it.

On 22 July 2011 10:05, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Left off the last two q and a's.
> IBD: Why don't more businesses speak out?
> Marcus: They are frightened to death — frightened that they will have the
> IRS or SEC on them. In my 50 years in business, I have never seen executives
> of major companies who were more intimidated by an administration.
> IBD: What's your message to the business community?
> Marcus: It's time to stand up and fight. These people in Washington are out
> there making your life difficult, and many of you won't survive. Why aren't
> you doing something about it? The free enterprise system made this country
> what it is today, and we've got to keep it alive. We are on the edge of the
> abyss.

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