On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Vivec <gel21...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No, I mean job producers looking for excuses as to why they aren't
> creating jobs, and instead cutting jobs and shipping jobs overseas to
> maintain their Profit Margins.

So you changed the subject?
We're talking about small businesses having a harder time with more
regulations and threats.

> The IRS and the SEC are there to collect Taxes and to ensure that
> Corporations obey the law aren't they?

They've been around for awhile. Are you saying more people are
cheating now than ever before so the extra harassment is warranted?

> So Rich 1% is complaining that they have to pay taxes, and can't break
> the law and take advantage of loop holes.

No, he said he wouldn't be able to grow Home Depot from a small
business to a large one in today environmental. Wher you in church
this morning?

> This is why I would like one of them to show us categorically how
> Regulations are preventing them from doing business. They can't.

Yes they can.

He also mentioned the coming nightmare known as Obamacare. If it
wasn't such a bad thing they wouldn't have offered so many waivers.

> What they can show is that without regulations they would make more
> profit, AND still not hire more people, AND still ship jobs overseas.

Nobody is saying remove all the regulations, they say stop adding so many more.


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