Yup. Very expensive and probably a global recession with a US depression.  
Probably would meltdown Europe too.  Very very bad.  Most of us would lose our 
jobs to start and then it'd get worse from there.

Basically it'd be a self-inflicted shot to the head in that the country might 
survive but it'd be pretty disfigured.

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 25, 2011, at 12:43 PM, Jerry Milo Johnson <jmi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My understanding is that basically failing to raise the debt ceiling
> is the government saying "we are not planning on paying back all the
> money we have budgeted.".
> So, either the government stops paying those bills they budgeted, or
> they are going to have to borrow that money as UNSECURED debt.
> (picture the Minn Government shutdown, or Cali sending all those
> people home with no notice, or Cali not sending tax refunds to people
> they owed money to, but instead sent IOUs but no money).
> Those unsecured loans are going to be expensive, like
> break-your-kneecap-if-you-are-late expensive. And regular lenders on
> the money that IS authorized (the money under the current debt
> ceiling) are going to also start charging a LOT more to lend that
> money, since we have said basically we cannot be trusted any more.
> And since those loans are going to be way more expensive, our BUYING
> power per dollar is going to go way down.
> And our currency, compared to others is going to drop dramatically, so
> all imports will be more expensive, and all exports will be worth
> less.
> In the end, it will probably mean a HUGE reduction in government jobs
> (like tens of thousands of layoffs or furlows), which will tank the
> economy further, a HUGE reduction in government services, and a HUGE
> increase in the debt, and a decapitation of our economy, probably into
> a depression.
> It is going to be very expensive for you and me, wallet-wise.
> Or so I understand it, being completely economically and politically
> and religiously challenged. (I just dont understand ideologues)
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Scott Stewart
> <webmas...@sstwebworks.com> wrote:
>> So with all the talk about the US debt ceiling... has me wondering..
>> what would happen if we did default?
>> Is it the fall of Western Civilization and we all go back to living in
>> animal skin tents, hunting and gathering to get by
>> ..or
>> Is it a reset..meaning, kind of like going bankrupt, our debts gone
>> and we start over albeit with a signifcantly diminished credit score?
>> note: I am not an economist, so please.. plain english :)
>> --
>> --
>> Scott Stewart
>> Adobe Certified Instructor, ColdFusion 8 & 9
>> Adobe Certified Expert, ColdFusion 8 & 9
>> Blog: http://www.sstwebworks.com
>> Email: webmas...@sstwebworks.com

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