On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 12:42 AM, Grussgott <grussg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Interesting that you're equating Obama with Cicero, one of the Roman empire's 
> great leaders.

Ha that's funny. Did you mean Caesar was a great dictator? Since
Cicero wasn't a leader.

> It's a good comparison given they're both lawyers and politicians as well as 
> great speakers, and you're right to ascribe that quote to Obama's actions 
> even if his words say different.

I can just picture Cicero in the public square reading from his teleprompter :)

> He's definitely governing to the right of Clinton and even GW Bush assuming 
> you exclude social issues where Bush wanted more government oversight of 
> people's private lives.

He's not really governing. He's a spoiled brat having parties in the big house.

> Oddly that puts Obama philosophically slightly to the left of me, which 
> normally I'd be happy with but I can't get over his lack of leadership and 
> the whole patriot act thing.

Slightly to the left of you is slightly to the right of Larry. Not a
good place to be.


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