The extra benefits of the paid service is and can be very beneficial, I
think there is also a limit to the number of users that you can have on the
free version, and as you have mentioned the amount of storage.

If you are going to be using an IMAP connection, the support for this is by
far better supported in the advanced services offered. But all in all I am a
one man show, with multiple users (Family friends etc.) and I am satisfied
with the free account. I do have issues with using IMAP, but I can't justify
$50 a year per user for that feature, I get better and cheaper IMAP support
with my hosting provider, if I want or need to switch over to them.

Andrew Scott

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ColdFusion Developer []
> Sent: Thursday, 11 August 2011 3:42 AM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: Google Apps (Premium vs Standard)?
> Hmm if all that is possible, wonder why I am paying $50/yr per user for
> that is all I use.
> Except for Postini Domain filtering but from what most say, Google Apps
> does a great job regardless.

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