On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Vivec <gel21...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No more Trillion dollar wars? Fiscal responsibility?
> Blasphemy ^_^

Uh, that's the same "blasphemy" all the other candidates are running on.

Prediction 1: RP won't get anywhere near the White House
Prediction 2: Even if Prediction 1 were to prove untrue, I don't think he'd
be anywhere near the reformer that Candidate Paul is.

Look at Obama.....never has the difference between Candidate and President
been so stark. And for the record, I don't necessarily blame the
candidate/president. President's are suddenly laden with a burden they did
not possible imagine as candidates...they thought they did...but they had no
idea. Obama didn't just suddenly turn into a fascist when he was elected and
that's why he decided to keep Gitmo open and to send 30K troops to
Afghanistan and to keep spying on people.........he suddenly learned the
reasons why Bush was doing those things, and he had to make an awfully tough

If Ron Paul got elected, i bet you'd see a VASTLY different person than you

You see.....we as the American voter need to be come more savvy about this.
We should quit electing the "candidates", and try to do our best to elect
"presidents". By that I mean, don't focus so much on what they PROMISE to
do, but focus more on how they actually do what they do. Can they reason?
Can they change their mind? Can they compromise? Can they act boldly? Can
they lead?

And goddamit...can they THINK!??!?!

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