On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Larry C. Lyons wrote:
> If you remember what happened with palladium based fusion, there will
> be some true believers who will try and push it in spite of the
> contrary data.

If you remember what happened with the Sound Barrier (why is it called
a barrier again?) and Gödel, you'd still be pushing too.  :)

Maybe not "it" specifically, but still.

Has the GPS theory even been corroborated/verified/whatever?  Or is
this a case of "hey, that sound logical, and fits with how I already
see the universe!"?  =)p

:DeN "full of wonder (or something)" Uno

For all the social changes in China can be traced to their early
beginnings in the days when the new tools or vehicles of commerce and
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with the strange ways and novel goods of the Western peoples.
Hu Shih

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