Looks like the Bush team ruled against it. Seems like what Hayden is
saying should still be confidential.

"It's not so much that we don't want Iran to have a nuclear capacity,
it's that we don't want this Iran to have it ... Slow it down long
enough and maybe the character [of the Iranian government] changes."


On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 4:47 PM, GMoney <> wrote:
> A "nuclear Iran" is the next bogeyman that is being constructed to convince
> you that your sons and daughters should be sent thousands of miles away to
> die.
> Please...for the love of all that is holy....don't give in to your fears.
> Or, if you simply can't help yourself, volunteer to go over there and do
> the dirty work yourself.
> I do not fear an Iran with a few nukes to the point that I would sacrifice
> my life, or yours, to stop it from becoming a reality.
> Have we learned anything in this country over the last 15 years? We'll find
> out soon enough.

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