Good, what a dumb law to begin with.

Related: my adopted state dusted off legislation today to legalize same sex
marriage here as well.  Go Minnesota.

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 2:56 PM, Larry C. Lyons <>wrote:

> Wash. state to be 7th for gay marriage
> By: Mackenzie Weinger
> January 23, 2012 03:35 PM EST
> Washington state is set to become the seventh in the country to
> legalize gay marriage, according to a report Monday.
> Democratic Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen announced she would be the 25th
> vote needed to pass the same sez marriage bill out of the state
> Senate, The Associated Press reported Monday. The Washington state
> House already has the necessary support for the measure, and Gov.
> Chris Gregoire publicly announced her support for gay marriage earlier
> this month.
> Washington would then become the seventh state to legalize same-sex
> marriage along with New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Iowa,
> Connecticut and Vermont. The District of Columbia also recognizes
> same-sex marriage.
> “I know this announcement makes me the so-called 25th vote, the vote
> that ensures passage,” Haugen said in a statement, according to the
> AP.
> Haugen said she made her decision after taking time “to reconcile my
> religious beliefs with my beliefs as an American, as a legislator, and
> as a wife and mother who cannot deny to others the joys and benefits I
> enjoy. This is the right vote and it is the vote I will cast when this
> measure comes to the floor.”
> Gregoire announced her support at a news conference on Jan. 4, saying,
> “It is time in Washington state for marriage equality. It is time;
> it’s the right thing to do.”
> The state Senate began considering the bill during a morning committee
> hearing, the AP re

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