There is an android app that does that, I forget he name offhand, google sky
or something like that...that is pretty awesome.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gruss Gott [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 9:28 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Go Sky Watch

This iPad app is awesome.  I'm out on my deck over looking beautiful
downtown san Jose and silicon valley and despite the light I can see all
kinds of awesome star-shiz.

Even cooler is that I'm right next to the approach for SJC so it's fun
watching the Southwest 737s come in.  Lots of Fedex dc-10s and some UPS too.
Occasionally I get the odd Lear jet like right now.

Plus I can see El toro peak way off in the distance ... Beautiful night.

Thought I'd miss Minnesota but ...not so much ...

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