Mohamed Nasheed was recently ousted as the President of Maldives in a coup
led by the vice president.  While he was president, Nasheed appeared to be
a vocal leader on the threat of climate change, especially to small island

Interestingly enough, the concern over the dangers of climate change may
have been a little disingenuous.  It seems that Maldives signed the
Copenhagen Agreement in 2009 only after the US offered to pay them 50
millions dollars.

This was discovered after a document dump by wikileaks.  More interesting
is that the document dump revealed that the US was using state department
officials to spy on the representatives from other countries in order to
find leverage to force them to  sign the agreement.  They also resorted to
flat out bullying to get a consensus.

 Interesting stuff.

I found most of this info a Democracy Now.  I appreciate their model for
existence.  From wiki:

The program is funded entirely through contributions from listeners,
viewers, and foundations and does not accept advertisers, corporate
underwriting, or government funding

If they would do away with funding from foundations, it would be a great
source for news.

Mohamed Nasheed, the president of the Maldives, has resigned after weeks of
protests erupted into a police mutiny. In 2008, Nasheed became the first
democratically elected leader of the Maldives. He gained international fame
for his passionate warnings about the dangers of climate change to
low-lying islands. His reputation was tarnished after the publication of a
cable by WikiLeaks that suggested the Maldives signed on to the U.S.-backed
Copenhagen climate accord in exchange for $50 million.



Do we really think that a government-dominated education is going to
produce citizens capable of dominating their government, as the education
of a truly vigilant self-governing people requires? - Alan Keyes

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