> There are some things out of my control but for the most part I
> rarely even catch a cold. Take good care of yourself and eat
> right will prevent most health care issues. ...

We can agree there and I am in the same boat (healthy and it's rare
for me to get so much as a headache much less anything else).  I have
known people who were perfectly healthy, exercised regularly, ate
well, etc. and were "struck down" by sudden illnesses, some serious
(MS in one case; the person went from running miles a day to bedridden
in a matter of a couple of weeks).  They lived well and didn't choose
to get sick, but it happened anyway.  You and I may be healthy today,
but anything can happen at any time, which of course is the whole
point of insurance in the first place.  It's a complex topic to be
sure. :)


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