I got the see Reagan my senior year when he came to the local community
college for a campaign speech.  I was definitely in the Reagan camp back
then.  It took going to Panama and seeing just how much of a party of back
stabbing, dishonorable assholes the republicans were to change me.  The next
election cycle after I got out, I worked on the Clinton campaign staff in
Lake Charles, LA.  Reagan was on our worst presidents...even if he was also
one of the most popular.  He definitely put his acting skills to good use
and as a result, people believed him.  It took hindsight for me to see just
how much of an asshat he really was.  His successor wasn't any better...and
we all know how far the rotten apple fell from the Bush family tree.

-----Original Message-----
From: GMoney [mailto:gm0n3...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 11:35 AM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: What the GOP Used to be.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com>wrote:

> I didn't forget the others. The thread was started with a Regan quote 
> and a notion that those were "the good ole days". People have a thing 
> for the hagiography of Saint Ronnie. When that happens, I'll step in 
> to remind them of the historical truth instead of the Norman Rockwell 
> version.  My problems with other Presidents come up in other threads
> :)
> Judah

But....but.....Reagan beat the Russkies!!!!

He demanded that Gorby tear down this wall, and they did! And he came off
like a sweet old grandpappy when the Challenger went kaboom.

I say this facetiously of course, but there is truth in some of that, and it
applies to me. i was a kid in 80's...4 years old when he took office, 12
when he left. He was a nice old guy who always said reassuring things.....i
loved him.

I'm an adult now and I know what's what...and everything you list is
completely accurate. He was not the saintly Prez the republicans would want
you to believe. But you know.....childhood memories are POWERFUL...and they
are difficult to overcome...and well...i still look upon my years from 4 to
12 fondly, and I can't help but love the guy who, during that time, told me
to relax and enjoy the fact that I live in the best country on Earth...and
who reminded me at every turn that things are going to be OK.

And on that last message, i think he was spot on, and I still repeat it
today: Relax, the world is not ending, this is not the downfall of
America.....things are going to be OK.  So while i'm not a Reagan
apologist...I liked the guy....and I probably always will.

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