So the Afghans are upset about those Korans being burned to dispose of 
them.  Some of them are borderline rioting.  Now, I understand that they 
are really upset about other things and are using the book burning as an 
excuse to act like fools, but killing people over it is ridiculous.

I could understand, sort of, if some random person got pissed and shot 
those two US officers, but the Taliban has taken credit for it.  Keeping 
in mind that they are currently in negotiations with the US to be a 
recognized political party ..... what in Allah's name were they 
thinking?  What did they think that will get them?  They are not in a 
very good bargaining position to begin with.  Now the US has more 
leverage against them.  Am I missing something?  I am completely baffled.

I would make some comment about religion making people do stupid things, 
but, come on, we know it's not about religion.  Are the Taliban all 
insane, or are they just that shitty at politics?

If I were Obama, I would tell them to go fsck themselves and come back 
when they think they can behave.

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