And it wasn't just one day. I pulled these from the show's transcripts on
limpblob's website:
Wednesday :

1) Can you imagine, if you’re her parents, how proud of Sandra Fluke you
would be? Your daughter goes up to a congressional hearing conducted by the
Botox-filled Nancy Pelosi and testifies she’s having so much sex she can’t
afford her own birth control pills and she agrees that Obama should provide
them, or the Pope.

2) Sandra Fluke, one of the Butt Sisters, is being dragged out of law
school by the hair. Wait ’til Rick Santorum hears about this. Wait ’til
Gingrich hears about this! What do you think they’ll do? They’ll put a stop
to this right away! They’ll head over that university and they’ll stop it!

They’ll spy on Sandra Fluke and interrupt her in mid-coitus, and then
they’ll make ’em get married.

3) What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic], who goes
before a congressional committee and says that she must be paid to have
sex. What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a
prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She’s having so much sex she
can’t afford the contraception.

4) Okay, so she’s not a slut. She’s “round heeled.” I take it back.

Thursday :

5) The reaction that they are having to what I said yesterday about Susan
Fluke — or Sandra Fluke, whatever her name is — the Georgetown student who
went before a congressional committee and said she’s having so much sex,
she’s going broke buying contraceptives and wants us to buy them.

6) I said, what would you call someone who wants us to pay for her to have
sex — what would you call that woman? You’d call them a slut, a prostitute.

7) The headline: “Sex-Crazed Co-Eds Going Broke Buying Birth Control,
Student Tells Pelosi Hearing Touting Freebie Mandate — A Georgetown co-ed
told Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s hearing that the women in her law school program
are having so much sex that they’re going broke, so you and I should pay
for their birth control.” Cybercast News Service. So what would you call
that? So I called it what it is.

8) Why go before a congressional committee and demand that all of us —
because they want to have sex any time, as many times and as often as they
want, with as many partners as they want — should pay for it? Whatever, no
limits on this. I mean, they’re going broke having to buy contraception!

9) Sandra Fluke reported to Pelosi: “It costs a female student $3,000 to
have protected sex over the course of her three-year stint in law school,
according to her calculations. ‘Without insurance coverage, contraception,
as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school,’ Fluke told
the hearing. . . . That’s a thousand dollars a year of sex — and, she wants
us to pay for it.” Now, what does that make her? She wants us to buy her
sex. She wants us to pay for her sex, and she went to a congressional
committee to close the sale.

10) At $1 a condom, if she shops at CVS pharmacy’s Web site, that $3,000
would buy her 3,000 condoms, or a thousand of them a year. We’ve done all
kinds of research on this. And what about these deadbeat boyfriends or
random hookups that these babes are encountering here, having sex with
nearly three times a day? While in law school.

11) Okay, so this is a law student at a congressional committee asking for
us to pay for the things that make it possible for her to have sex.

Therefore we are paying her to have sex.

Therefore we are paying her for having sex.

We are getting screwed even though we don’t meet her personally!

12) Ms. Fluke, have you ever heard of not having sex?

13) So, if we’re gonna sit here, and if we’re gonna have a part in this,
then we want something in return, Ms. Fluke: And that would be the videos
of all this sex posted online so we can see what we are getting for our

14) Ms. Fluke, who bought your condoms in junior high?

15) Stop the tape. Courageous. Recue that to the top. Courageous, having so
much sex she’s going broke at Georgetown Law. (laughing) Gosh, I love this.

16) Folks, for all the hilarity that’s contained in what’s going on here .
. . here’s a woman exercising no self-control. The fact that she wants to
have repeated, never-ending, as often as she wants it sex — given.

17) Did you notice in that sound bite Sheila Jackson Lee or Maria Cantwell
or one of them talked about the strength that Sandra Fluke had to go before
Congress, which is amazing. She’s having so much sex it’s amazing she can
still walk, but she made it up there.

18) Do you realize at the end of the day what’s happening here? The
Democrats are putting on parade a woman who is happily presenting herself
as an immoral, baseless, no-purpose-to-her-life woman. She wants all the
sex in the world, whenever she wants it, all the time. No consequences. No
responsibility for her behavior.


19) Obama just called Sandra Fluke to make sure she was all right? Awwww.
(kissing sound) That is so compassionate! What a great guy. The president
called her to make sure she’s okay. What is she, 30 years old? Thirty years
old, a student at Georgetown Law, who admits to having so much sex that she
can’t afford it anymore.

20) Okay. Let me ask you a question. I might be surprised at the answer I
would get to this question. Your daughter appears before a congressional
committee and says she’s having so much sex, she can’t pay for it and wants
a new welfare program to pay for it. Would you be proud? I don’t know about
you, but I’d be embarrassed. I’d disconnect the phone. I’d go into hiding
and hope the media didn’t find me. See, everybody forgets what starts this,
or what started this whole thing. Or maybe they don’t! Maybe that’s normal
behavior on the left now, for all I know.

21) So Pelosi arranges her own press conference for the woman, and the
woman makes it clear (her name is Sandra Fluke) that she’s having so much
sex, she can’t pay for it — and we should. She’s having so much sex, she
can’t afford it.

Larry C. Lyons

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has
been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding
its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false
notion that democracy means that 

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